Kissing CRM – Implementation Made Easy
KISSing Your CRM (Customer Relationship Management)!
When implementing any new system at your company it is imperative to remember KISS. The design principle KISS states that most systems work best if they are kept simple. Simplicity should be a key goal in designing your CRM system and the processes around its use. Complexity should be avoided at all costs.
Everyone on Board
In order to reap the maximum rewards from your CRM you need to get your entire team to use the program. If the processes and the system are too complex you will find more “dust” on the system than information in the system. Tracking the adoption rates of your CRM system is important. If certain members of your team are not using your new CRM system, find out why. Usually it is a good reason and adjustments can be made to increase adoption.
Slow and Steady
Try not to add to many features or customizations too quickly. It’s better to slowly acclimate your team to the system. Showing them the power of the CRM system will encourage them to want to use more features. If you are not sure if the system you have designed is too complex, here’s a simple test to try. Time a new team member on how long it takes to understand the processes for entering information in to the system. If it takes more than an hour for the new member to grasp 80% of the basics of the program, your system is too complex. Remember to think KISS to lead to better CRM system utilization and a more successful sales team.
Written by Mary Greenlee, a Solutions Advisor and CRM expert for DSD Business Systems.