Creating a Nexus Checklist to Ensure Sales Tax Compliance


Should you be collecting and remitting sales tax in other states?

You may or may not be familiar with the term nexus, but it refers to your obligation to collect sales tax in a specific state. The concept seems pretty straight forward: If you have enough of a presence in a state, you need to collect sales tax there. Where it gets pretty confusing is trying to determine what is meant by significant physical presence in each state, because most states make their own rules and define “presence” differently.

While we can’t do anything to change the rules, we can do our best to help you understand them.

In this upcoming Avalara webinar, SALT (State and Local Tax) expert Judy Vorndran will explain the following:

  • What are activities that will create nexus in most of the states?
  • What is the difference between Origin-based and Destination-based states and why is that important to you?
  • When is a good time to review your nexus activities?
  • How do you go about creating a nexus checklist?

We hope this presentation will better equip to you know where and when you should be collecting and remitting sales tax in other states.

Date: Tuesday, April 6

Time: 2:00 PM ET / 11:00 AM PT

Duration: One hour

Cost: Nothing

CLICK HERE to register for the webinar

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