How to be Productive at Work First Thing in the Morning

How to be Productive at Work First Thing in the Morning

“Either you run the day or the day runs you.” — Jim Rohn

Research says the most productive time to do work is within the first two hours after you wake up. So how do you make the most of this wonderful work window? Here are a few tips:

Make a List the Night Before

Whether it’s a list you make at your desk before leaving work, or a list that you keep by your bedside so you can dump all your ideas onto it, make a list. When you’re making your work list, include that big, weighty task you’ve been dreading and, if possible, have the materials on hand to knock that out first thing the next morning. When making your bedside brain-dump list, remember that this list has the added benefit of helping to clear your mind at night so you can sleep better. Take advantage!

In the morning, review your lists and add any other tasks that need to be done. Then, identify the top three things that need to be done, the ones that, if you’ve completed them by the day’s end will make your day a success. Then, start doing them!

Eat Breakfast

Eating a healthy breakfast will jumpstart your metabolism, making you feel more energized and happy. Make sure your breakfast includes a full, sixteen-ounce glass of water. In addition to helping jumpstart your metabolism, drinking a full glass of water will flush out any toxins and hydrate your body, making your brian more alert.

Tests have even proven that eating breakfast improves your concentration and performance at work. With better physical coordination and problem-solving skills, and being in a better mood, you’re sure to have a more productive morning.

Be Aware… and Grateful

Tony Robbins has his “Hour of Power,” but other gurus swear by “30 Minutes to Thrive” or “Fifteen Minutes to Fullfilment.” Take some time first thing in the morning to remind yourself of the things you’re grateful for. You can even write them down once and read them to yourself each morning.

Get Moving

Exercise is a great way to start the day. If you find you’re tired, exercise actually increases your energy levels. You’d be surprised at the boost you can even get just from doing a few jumping jacks when you get out of bed, or by using the Seven Minute Workout App.

Don’t Check Your Email

Instead, work on something important for the first 30-45 minutes of your day, and even longer if you can. When you’re not distracted by what else is going on, you can focus on what you’d like to work on. Also, some people make the mistake of treating their email like a to do list. It’s not, so don’t. Remember who’s in charge of your time: you are, not the person emailing you. If you don’t know what you should be working on, revisit Tip #1.

If you absolutely must check your email, follow these guidelines: 1. Only check if there’s something specific you’re looking for or expecting. 2. Separate low value emails by using filters so you don’t see the unimportant emails in your Inbox when you check it. 3. Set a time limit. Commit to checking your email in the morning for only, say, five minutes. Know what your goal is going in and what you’re going to do if the email you’re looking for is/isn’t there, meaning don’t be reactionary.

Knock out the Boulder

Remember how I mentioned that big, weighty task you’ve been dreading? Morning’s the time! Get it out of the way so that it’s not hanging over your head and dragging you down. Also, if there are other people involved in the project, in the morning you’ll have some space from them and without others chiming in or watching over your shoulder, the task may feel less complex and you can get more done.

Focus on One Thing at a Time

Multi-tasking has gotten a lot of buzz over the years, but if you really want to be productive, knock out one thing at a time. You lose time – and focus – when switching back and forth from one task to another. People are sure to interrupt you later in the day, so use the morning as your opportunity for maximum concentration.

Say Hello

Amidst all this focus, make time to smile and say hello to your colleagues. It’ll start their day with a smile, and yours, too. And later in the day, when it’s time for teamwork, they’ll be more inclined to help their friendly colleague then someone who was harried, hurried and brusque.


Written by DSD Business Systems

DSD Business Systems
business tips

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