Avalara’s 2-part webinar series: Sales tax nexus 101

2-part webinar series: Sales tax nexus 101

Part 1:

What is sales tax nexus?


  • Part 1: Thursday, March 12, 2020
  • TIME: 11 a.m. Pacific

Duration: 45 minutes + Q&A

Cost: Nothing

Part 2:

How to build a nexus plan for your business


  • Part 2: Thursday, March 19, 2020
  • TIME: 11 a.m. Pacific 

Duration: 45 minutes + Q&A

Cost: Nothing

How to build a nexus plan for your business

Nexus is a crucial piece of the sales tax puzzle for any business, as it determines if, when, and where you’re required to collect and remit sales tax. 

To help you better understand nexus laws and what’s required of you, we’ve created a two-part webinar series, hosted by State and Local Tax expert Judy Vorndran of TaxOps. 

Join us Thursday, March 12 for an introduction to nexus in Part 1: What is sales tax nexus?

You'll learn:

  • The four nexus types: physical presence, economic, affiliate, and click-through
  • The common activities that trigger each type of nexus
  • A look at the different nexus thresholds by state

Tie everything together with an action plan for your business on Thursday, March 19, in Part 2: How to build a nexus plan for your business.

We'll reveal:

  • How to create a nexus checklist
  • What activities your business must track so you’ll know when a nexus threshold is crossed
  • Steps you must take as soon as nexus is triggered to remain compliant
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    Should you have any immediate questions or needs, please feel free to reach out to your event host: ktucker@dsdinc.com