7 Reasons To Consider Sage Intacct As Your Next Accounting System
May 27, 2020
Companies want an accounting software package that they can count on.
This means they are scalable, provide multiple levels of interaction, and tailored to their specific needs. Superior accounting solutions interface with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platforms.

When deciding on your accounting software, the best practice is to compare and contrast different solution options and features that optimize your business while increasing profitability. One accounting software solution which has been receiving numerous awards since 2010 is Sage Intacct.

What is Sage Intacct?
Sage Intacct is a cloud-based accounting software that can help you with everything from inventory management to cash management to financial reporting to revenue recognition. Here is a brief rundown on the basics of what Sage Intacct has to offer.
1 - Sage Intacct is a Cloud-Based Accounting
Sage Intacct is a cloud accounting software built to operate on multiple platforms and integrate with most ERP and CRM systems available.

Sage Intacct is acknowledged by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) as one of their top-tier applications for interrelated financial applications available to certified public accountants. The AICPA has a consortium of professional certified public accountants working in tandem with Sage Intacct to further the software’s capabilities of making sound decisions related to the financial world with relevant statistics and facts.
Many types of companies from wholesale distributors to retailers to healthcare to nonprofits can benefit from the numerous unique features that Sage Intacct brings to the table. Sage Intacct has proven to be one of the desired business answers for AICPA and can help private and public company accounting departments.

2 - Scalability
Scalability within an accounting software package is vital for your company to stay on top of its financial situation.
Sage Intacct integrates with numerous ERP and CRM systems available. Scaling Sage Intacct is seamless, the software solution offers unlimited growth and scale. Additionally, operate Sage Intacct on several types of operating systems from Linux to Mac (OSX) to Windows.

3 - Built-In Tools
Sage Intacct provides you with real-time information ranging from cash management to financial consolidation to subscription billing to vendor management and a wide array of standard accounting procedures.
Sage Intacct accounting software has various built-in tools that aid in maximizing your business efforts. Available tools include multi-currency features, automatically computing sales tax, multi-faceted transactions (large or small in size), and more!

4 - Easy Reporting
Sage Intacct is a complete solution with several report templates that can be generated in a variety of ways to help a wide range of employees throughout your company. The system allows for creating digestible reports for people to understand, simplify, and streamline your business practices.

You have the capabilities to produce any type of graph or visual aid that can help clarify financial reports. Within the platform, you can decide what needs to be calculated from sales commissions to inventory returns to product management to keep a firm hold on costs.
Sage Intacct comes complete with numerous government-regulated reports which must be submitted through standardized templates.
5 - High Security
Sage Intacct also provides a high level of security.
Give permission to designated employees to access limited areas as well as the scalability to add access for employees based on their role within a project, subset of groups, or employee classification.

6 - Keep Track of Money and Orders
Sage Intacct allows you to observe your payment transactions easily.
The benefit of this type of feature will help your company remove restrictions on transactions as well as make transactions more transparent. Companies that deal with numerous credit card transactions can benefit from Sage Intacct through a private payment portal created in partnership with PayPal. The software is designed to help streamline many facets of e-commerce from online purchases to collecting money in a secure platform that can be tailored to your needs.
Several automated features can help your company keep an eye on purchase orders with up to date information to help lower costs.

7 - Fresh and Unassuming Dashboard
Sage Intacct features an unassuming and straightforward dashboard that can easily be understood by employees who have had previous exposure to accounting software.
For companies looking for custom features, the dashboard can bring a fresh new look of features for your employees to take advantage of while becoming more productive.

want to learn more?
Join Sage Intacct for a live webinar
Hear from Sage experts on effective ways to optimize your financials for strategic planning, utilize reporting and analytics capabilities for fast decision-making, and an in-depth look at the powerful capabilities of Sage Intacct that help take organizations like yours to the next level.
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Look no further, we are here to help you find the right solution.