What’s New in Sage HRMS: Q4 2021 Product Updates
December 29, 2021
by Jared Bollier, Digital Marketing Analyst

Sage HRMS and Sage ESS just had 2021 Q4 product updates which include tons of new features and changes! Check out some of the major highlights and information that comes along with it. Read on to learn about what’s been done in this latest release such as payroll product updates, payroll tax updates, and more.
Payroll Product Updates
Add Comments for Employees
A new Comments tab has been added to the Employee Payroll window, where you can enter employee comments. These comments can be included in the Employee Information Report.
Save settings for calculating payroll
Users can now save their settings in the Calculate Payroll window so that they are utilized by default the next time they are accessed in the window. Each Sage 300 user’s saved settings are unique, therefore each user can save various defaults. This is a nice update because it used to be a pain to select the same choices every time you’re in payroll.
Streamlined process for getting to Pre-Check Payroll Register after calculating payroll
After calculating payroll, users can see an updated “processing completed” notification, allowing them to open the report. Instead of needing to access the Payroll Register window from the desktop, users can do it straight from the Pre-Check Payroll Register window. Users can also produce a report of processing exceptions with the improved message (if there were any).
Fix for reversed checks on Form 941
If you reverse a check that was paid in a previous quarter, the amount of the reversed check is not included on
the 941 for the current quarter.
To see the full list and details of the payroll product updates, follow this link.
Sage HRMS product updates
Employee Benefits
Fixed an issue where the Employee Insurance Benefits UI would hang or crash when adding or deleting
benefits for certain employees. Employees who had dependents or beneficiaries assigned would face this problem if they were transferred to another firm via Cross Employer Transfer.
Calculate Payroll
Before this update, if the date format on the workstation was set to yyyy-MM-dd, the system would fail after computing payroll… This issue has been fixed.
Attendance Summary
Before this update, when clicking on the Plus symbol to pick a plan in the Attendance Summary UI, it would cause a Runtime Error… This issue has been fixed.
Salary As of Report
Fixed an issue where “Salary As of Report” would crash HRMS if a job code is not selected on the Specific
Criteria tab.
Sage HRMS Employee Self Service Product Updates
This update is for the Subscription version of Employee Self Service. There are no updates for perpetual
Master User role changes
The master user role pages in the Sage HRMS Employee Self Service product have been entirely redesigned to increase usability and give consistency with the other roles.
Modern and improved Mobile experience
The user interface for “ESS Mobility” (the mobile version of Sage HRMS Employee Self Service) has been entirely updated to improve usability and align with other recent Sage Mobile solutions.

Change Logon page
The Change Logon page is now available in the mobile version.
Password requirements setup by the admin are displayed at the top of the page in red text.
When your password meets a requirement, the text for the requirement will turn from red to black.
To see the full list and details of the Sage HRMS ESS product updates, follow this link.
U.S. Payroll Tax Updates
In this update, there have been several federal, state, and local tax changes that are worth noting. Federal legislative updates include the IRS releasing draft withholding and allowance amount tables for wages paid on or after January 1, 2022. For 2022, the maximum amount of earnings subject to the Social Security tax (taxable maximum) is $147,000.
The Following States Have Seen individual Updates:
- Alaska
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kentucky
- Maine
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- Utah
- Washington
- Wisconsin
To see each individual state’s updates and more information, follow this link.
Sage Payroll Tax Forms and eFiling
Sage HRMS includes Sage Payroll Tax Forms and eFiling by Aatrix as a feature. This feature gives free updates to reports and forms, as well as the option to fill out and file tax forms electronically for a fee. For detailed instructions on how to use tax forms with Sage Payroll Tax Forms and eFiling by Aatrix follow this link.
Preparing for Year End Processing
Visit the Sage City Year-End Center before you begin processing your 2022 payroll, where you can get quick answers from Sage support, peers, and product experts during the busiest time of year. You’ll discover useful articles, discussion forums, and other links and tools to assist you with your year-end accounting.