Sage 100 Multi-Currency Enhancements: How to Know Which Are Right for You
January 24, 2022

DSD Business Systems has 11 Multi-Currency modules available for the Sage 100, and each one is specific to a different business need for foreign currency processing. The following questions will help you determine which Multi-Currency modules are needed for your business.
CUMC Multi-Currency
CUMC Multi-Currency is the required base module for any additional Multi-Currency enhancements.
If your answer is Yes to any of the following, then CUMC Multi-Currency is required, and you can proceed through the remaining questions to determine which additional Multi-Currency modules are needed for your business.
a. Do you need to sell to customers in different currencies?
b. Do you need to purchase from vendors in different currencies?
c. Do you have subsidiary companies that are located outside of the US?
Learn more on the DSD Enhancements Marketplace here.
ARMC Multi-Currency
If you need to sell to customers in different currencies, then you would need ARMC Multi-Currency.
Multi-Currency Accounts Receivable for Sage 100 ERP is invaluable for any company that performs Invoice or Cash Receipts Entry involving international or foreign Customers. Accounts Receivable has been modified to allow Invoice Entry, Cash Receipts Entry, Inquiries and Report Printing in any currency. Learn more on the DSD Enhancements Marketplace here.
SOMC Multi-Currency
If you need to sell to customers in different currencies, and you also have the Sales Order module, and you need to create Sales Orders in different currencies, then you need SOMC Multi-Currency.
SOMC Multi-Currency for Sage 100 is invaluable for any company that performs Order or Invoice Entry involving international or foreign Customers. Sales Order Processing has been modified to allow Order and Invoice Entry, Inquiries and Report Printing in any currency. Learn more on the DSD Enhancements Marketplace here.
RAMC Multi-Currency
If you have the RMA module from Sage 100, and also have DSD’s SOMC Multi-Currency, then you would need RAMC Multi-Currency.
RAMC Multi-Currency Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) for Sage 100 ERP enhancement provides the Sage 100 ERP user with the ability to generate RMAs and Receipts in different currencies. The Generate Transactions feature allows creation of Sales Orders and Credit Memos in the RMA Currency and Purchase Orders and PO Returns in the Vendor Currency. Learn more on the DSD Enhancements Marketplace here.
APMC Multi-Currency
If you need to purchase from vendors in different currencies, then you would need APMC Multi-Currency.
This DSD enhancement is invaluable for any company that performs Invoice Entry or Check Printing involving foreign Vendors. Accounts Payable has been modified to allow Invoice Entry, Manual Check Entry, Check Printing, Inquiries and Report Printing in any currency. A Default Entry Currency and Activity Currency can be established for each Vendor. Learn more on the DSD Enhancements Marketplace here.
POMC Multi-Currency
If you need to purchase from vendors in different currencies, and also have the Purchase Order module, and you need to create Purchase Orders in different currencies, then you need POMC Multi-Currency.
POMC Multi-Currency Purchase Order for Sage 100 is invaluable for companies that performs Purchase Order Processing involving international or foreign Vendors. Purchase Order Processing has been modified to allow Order, Receipt of Goods and Receipt of Invoice Entry, Inquiries and Report Printing in any currency. Learn more on the DSD Enhancements Marketplace here.
IMMC Multi-Currency
If you have the Inventory Module and need to set fixed foreign pricing/costs, then you would need IMMC Multi-Currency.
The Multi-Currency Inventory Management for Sage 100 enhancement provides users with the ability to set up a different price and cost for each item per Currency. You may also set up price levels in different currencies, by item or customer, and print price level reports by Currency. This enhancement is essential for any company quoting and making sales in more than one currency. Learn more on the DSD Enhancements Marketplace here.
BRMC Multi-Currency
If you have the Bank Reconciliation Module and need bank accounts setup in different currencies, then you would need BRMC Multi-Currency.
BRMC Multi-Currency for Sage 100 ERP is invaluable to any company that must maintain Bank Account Balances in foreign currencies. Checks, Deposits and Adjustments from Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and General Ledger are posted in the Bank’s Currency. The Bank Reconciliation Register, Recap Report, and the Estimate Cash Flow Analysis Report are printed in each Bank’s Currency. Learn more on the DSD Enhancements Marketplace here.
GLMC Multi-Currency
If you have companies that are foreign subsidiaries, then you would need GLMC Multi-Currency to do FASB 52 reporting.
GLMC Multi-Currency for Sage 100 ERP (MAS 90, MAS 200) is invaluable for any international or multinational company. Reports, including standard and custom financial statements, can be printed in any currency, and at any override rate. Also if FASB52 is needed, they can be printed to FASB 52 requirements. The import and export of account balances and detail transactions can be done in any currency, with exchange rate conversions performed automatically. Learn more on the DSD Enhancements Marketplace here.
FXMC Multi-Currency
If you would like to auto download daily currency exchange rates, then you can get the FXMC Multi-Currency auto daily exchange rate download enhancement.
FXMC Multi-Currency for Sage 100 ERP (MAS 90, MAS 200) allows for a Multi-Currency program to be configured in Windows Scheduler, which will access the Daily Exchange Rate tables on the DSD server and install them into the Currency Rate Tables for all Companies. The FXMC module is installed as a separate enhancement, but is configured in the Multi-Currency Options. Learn more on the DSD Enhancements Marketplace here.
MXMC Multi-Currency
If you have a company located in Mexico, and you are required to use Banco de Mexico exchange rates then you would need MXMC Multi-Currency.
The MXMC Module subscription allows for automatic Exchange Rate Downloads to be configured in the Windows Task Scheduler, which will access the Exchange Rates from Banco de Mexico and install them into the Currency Rate Tables for all Companies. The MXMC module is installed as a separate enhancement, but is configured in the Multi-Currency Options. Learn more on the DSD Enhancements Marketplace here.
Once you have determined which of the DSD Multi-Currency modules are right for your company, we encourage that you schedule a live demo with DSD Business Systems to ask questions, and to ensure that the proper Multi-Currency modules are purchased.