Top 5 Accounting Jokes

I’m sure many of you have been working very hard today. I thought it would be nice to provide you with a break from balancing books or sorting files to have a laugh. I searched around the internet for the best accounting jokes around and compiled a list of Top 5 Accounting Jokes. What better way to have fun then to laugh at ourselves.

1 What do you call an accountant with an opinion?
An auditor.
2 An accountant is having a hard time sleeping and goes to see his doctor.
“Doctor, I just can’t get to sleep at night,” he says.
“Have you tried counting sheep?” inquires the doctor.
“That’s the problem — I make a mistake and then spend three hours trying to find it.”
3 How does an accountant trash his/her hotel room?
By refusing to fill in the Guest Comment Card.
4 Why do accountants get excited at the weekends?
Because they can wear causal clothes to work.
5 An accountant is reading nursery rhymes to her young child. When she is finished, she answers her son’s question: “No, son. When Little Bo Peep lost her sheep that wouldn’t be tax deductible — but I like your thinking.”




Written by DSD Business Systems

DSD Business Systems
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