In this Criterion Payroll Datasheet, you will learn that Criterion Payroll provides you with the capability to enter, maintain, process and report on crucial payroll information. Imagine a world where you are free to analyze information and not have to worry about the data administration functions that are inherent in manual or cumbersome payroll systems. Your time will be spent providing management with strategic business information that will help them achieve the future success of your organization. Criterion Payroll is integrated to the powerful Penta ho Reports system so that you can produce compelling reports for payroll and workforce analytics. Criterion Payroll includes a powerful tax compliance calculation engine that assures accurate results every single payroll.
Criterion Payroll provides you with the capability to electronically file and pay state and federal taxes in the US and Federal and Provincial taxes in Canada. Your employees will be happy with the service you provide them and with Criterion Payroll there will be less time spent dealing with errors and incorrect information. Criterion Payroll is part of the Criterion HCM suite and provides a completely integrated single database human capital management system. With Criterion Payroll, the system performs all of the routine tasks and stores your information in a single database that can be shared with other departments and applications.
Key Features in Criterion Payroll Datasheet: