Workforce Go Payroll

In this Workforce Go Payroll Datasheet, you will learn that our payroll solution, a module in an integrated, cloud-based human capital management (HCM) suite, continually processes payroll in real time so it’s ready at the click of a button. Complete automation streamlines payroll processing to reduce errors and ease your administrative burden. Real-time reporting enables you to analyze payroll activity and trends, verify processing benchmarks, and support regulatory compliance. This powerful, easy-to-use payroll solution provides the automated tools and high-quality information needed to help you control labor costs, minimize compliance risk, and improve workforce productivity.

With our payroll solution you always know what your people are doing and what you’re paying them to do it. Our versatile pay rules engine makes it simple to determine pay associated with regular or overtime hours. It can support any number of scenarios — shift differentials, order of importance, location, and more to accommodate your business requirements.

Key Features in Datasheet:

Workforce go hcm award recognition and reviews


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