How Do I Choose Accounting Software?

Accounting software has advanced quite a bit over the past few years, providing businesses of all sizes with more comprehensive solutions, integrated applications, and potential for scalability. More companies are discovering the benefits of updating old, outdated accounting software and opting instead for enterprise research planning (ERP) software. The accounting software…

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Start the New Year off Right with an ERP System Upgrade

Having outdated accounting software is a headache, but do you know what it’s really costing you? Slow, inefficient, or broken accounting software systems can waste valuable employee hours, reduce productivity, and restrict business growth. In contrast, a new, dynamic system can facilitate company scalability. This year, include an enterprise research planning…

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How to Create an Accounting System Needs Analysis

An accounting system needs analysis allows companies to seek out the source of inefficiencies, revamp accounting efforts, and boost productivity levels. An outdated or unsuitable accounting system can sap a company’s resources and ultimately lower profitability. Learn how to create an accounting system needs analysis to enable the change a business…

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How to Avoid 10 Crucial Excel Spreadsheet Pitfalls

What starts as a simple Microsoft Excel typo can lead to massive excel spreadsheet errors: company-wide public misstatements, billion-dollar losses, tarnished reputations, and career terminations. While that sounds like an exaggeration, it’s not.  At least one mistake is present in 70–80% of US spreadsheets, and the ramifications can be severe….

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