The Millennials Are Here!

The Millennial’s are coming here!  By the year 2020 Millennials will comprise 50% of the workforce!  Now is the time to start planning and learning about this new generation, so you can be ready to welcome them into your workplace.  Below is a brief discussion about some of the many…

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If it ain’t broke, why should I fix (or upgrade) it?

In almost every aspect of our lives, we are faced with unceasing changes and advancements that are nearly impossible to ignore. The most modern flip-phone of ten years ago is simply an artifact today, and of such limited functionality that it is practically useless. Our tools, toys and gadgets are…

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ERP and CRM Software in the Cloud: Clarifying Definitions (Part II)

In the second blog of this series, we’ll focus on clarifying some definitions surrounding cloud-based computing solutions. What’s the Difference Between “On-Demand” vs. “Subscription”? These terms refer to payment models, but they are joined at the hip with the Internet, because without the Internet, they could hardly exist.  Subscription software…

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The Top 4 Reasons to Consider Going Paperless

Document management is a hot topic these days and you’ve probably heard the buzzwords “Going Paperless” quite a few times.  There are many good reasons why you’ve heard so much about document management, and it has a lot to do with the cost savings and improved efficiencies that go along…

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12 Sales Tax Tips

2013 has been a big year in the world of sales tax.  With sales tax evolving daily at both the state and federal levels, pending legislation could dramatically affect businesses in 2014.  To help you prepare and safeguard against an audit, we have a free gift for you that keeps…

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