How To Be The Perfect Salesperson

Now that I have your attention, there is no such thing because no one is perfect.  You can, however, be the perfect salesperson for your prospects.  Let me explain how in Four simple steps… Do your homework – It is sometimes easy to go from sales call to sales call with the…

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Marketing and Your CRM

A customer relationship management (CRM) system has the ability to make a business more streamlined and customer-oriented through target market identification, task management and conversion progress tracking.  A well designed CRM system is a competitive tool for companies and professionals. Consider the following 5 elements. Identify and Target Your Market…

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How to Get Your Sales Force to Use Your CRM System

  Regarding the use of CRM, it’s not that salespeople are lazy, they just have different priorities. It is hard for a sales person to see the value in reporting what is going on with the customers every time they have contact. If you want your sales team to truly…

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Kissing CRM – Implementation Made Easy

KISSing Your CRM (Customer Relationship Management)! When implementing any new system at your company it is imperative to remember KISS. The design principle KISS states that most systems work best if they are kept simple. Simplicity should be a key goal in designing your CRM system and the processes around…

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