The Multi-Currency Inventory Management for Sage 100 enhancement provides users with the ability to set up a different price and cost for each item per Currency. You may also set up price levels in different currencies, by item or customer, and print price level reports by Currency. This enhancement is essential for any company quoting and making sales in more than one currency.
DSD Sage 100 ERP Multi-Currency Brochure - DOWNLOAD HERE
Inventory Management Multi-Currency Features
Setup Inventory Items Prices per Currency: Set up a different Price for the same Item for each Currency.
Setup Inventory Items Costs per Currency: Set up a different Cost for the same Item for each Currency.
Setup Inventory Item Pricing Breaks per Currency by Item or Customer: Set up Price Levels by Item or Currency basing the calculation on the Price setup for that Item in the Currency being set up.
Enter Inventory Transactions in Base Currency: All Transaction Entry is performed and posted to General Ledger in Base Currency.
Reports These reports are modified for the Multi-Currency Inventory Management module:
Foreign Price Cost Listing
Foreign Item Pricing Information
NOTE: DSD Multi-Currency is NOT compatible with Sage Operations Management (JobOps)
Multi-Currency Accounts Receivable for Sage 100 ERP is invaluable for any company that performs Invoice or Cash Receipts Entry involving international or foreign Customers.
This DSD enhancement is invaluable for any international or multinational company. Reports, including standard and custom financial statements, can be printed in any currency, and at any override rate.