MRWY - MRWY Wyoming Quarterly Electronic Reporting
Current Version
Version 5.00
Last Modified: Mar 24, 2018
Required Modules: P/R
Compatible with Sage Service Update:
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MRWY Wyoming Quarterly Unemployment Reporting modifications for Sage 100 Electronic Reporting allows the user to:
Generate electronic media compliant with the Wyoming WIRE Wage Information as required by the state of Wyoming. This report includes the following data:
• Employee Name
• Social Security Number
• Employer Account Number
• Reporting Period
• State Quarter Wages Subject to Unemployment Insurance
• NAICS Code
• Employee Name
• Social Security Number
• Employer Account Number
• Reporting Period
• State Quarter Wages Subject to Unemployment Insurance
• NAICS Code
The program is fully graphical.
No standard MAS 90 programs are modified.
A developer field is added to the PR1 Employee masterfile for the Officer and NAICS Codes.
The file that is generated can be copied by the program to a diskette (non client server systems), or copied by the user to a CD-ROM, or submitted electronically.
Employees with negative wages are not reported (as required by the State of Wyoming). Employees that cannot be reported are listed as exceptions in the Summary Report.
Wyoming Quarterly Unemployment Reporting web sites:
Format Being Used For Quarterly Unemployment Reporting:
The Wyoming WIRE accepts either Excel or Comma Separated Values files. DSD creates a Comma Separated Values format file. The name of the file produced by MRWY is UIWAGE.csv. The program will create a file called UIWAGE.csv in the MAS 90 system's Payroll data folder for the selected Company. For example, for the "ABC" Company, the data would be in the MAS90/MAS_ABC/PRABC folder.
Note: In client server systems, the UIWAGE.csv file will be created in the MAS90/HOME folder.
The DSD Business Systems Wyoming Quarterly Unemployment Electronic Reporting (MRWY) has been designed to work in conjunction with the Sage 100 Electronic Reporting module. Before this software can be used, the Electronic Reporting module must be installed. Refer to the Electronic Reporting module for that module's installation instructions.