
Reporting Fundamentals | Stop Reporting like it’s 1999

Come learn about the types of reports available: Standard reports Financial reports Custom reports With a deep dive into key elements of the Financial Report Writer, Standard reports, Lists Views, and the Custom Report Writer.

Managing tax-exempt sales 201: Advanced strategies and best practices

Explore advanced strategies to simplify exemption certificate collection, validation, and storage. This webinar covers nexus considerations, compliance challenges, and best practices to improve exemption certificate oversight and reduce audit risks. We’ll cover how to: Navigate exemption rules, including nexus implications and common exemption use cases Establish protocols for certificate storage,...

AP Automation Deep Dive: Optimizing your AP Workflows

Recent research shows that 86% of successful finance teams have begun embracing AI tools to uplevel their teams. How can you use AP Automation to save your organization hours of manual effort, allowing you to scale and keep up with growing costs? Join us for an exclusive look at how...

Process vs. Discrete Manufacturing Secrets: Choosing the Right ERP

Are you confident in your manufacturing management software? To achieve excellence and sustained growth, manufacturers need to choose the production management system that best applies to their operations. Exploring the differences between Process and Discrete Manufacturing can help you make the right choice. Process Manufacturing uses recipes and formulas to transform...