Acumatica Customer Support Management

In this Acumatica Customer Support Management Datasheet, you will learn how Acumatica can help you respond quickly to customer requests, streamline support processes, and improve the customer experience with Acumatica’s CRM software. Acumatica delivers everything you need to manage all aspects of the customer journey with improved customer service.

Acumatica Customer Management delivers customer relationship management (CRM) applications for managing, and customer accounts.

Get an ERP and CRM that work together. Keep customer information up to date and accurate. Track client interactions, complaints, purchases, and more. Leverage integrated content management. Access all quotes, invoices, and support cases with a 360-degree view of customer data. Address data flows seamlessly between business accounts and contact forms, including different address info for contacts. Be proactive. Reduce response times and improve satisfaction with service management tools. Anticipate and address customer problems and identify upsell opportunities. Prevent delays by tracking activities, delegating, and reassigning tasks and sending alerts.

Key features in Customer Support Management: 

There are no limits to what your company may do after you’ve found the best ERP system for customer support management. Acumatica can help empower sales, service, and marketing teams with real-time visibility, seamless processes, and business insights at their fingertips. 

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