Evaluating Acumatica and Oracle NetSuite:
Considerations for SMB Companies

This solution Brief “Evaluating Acumatica and Oracle NetSuite” for SMBs outlines the key differences between the two ERP systems, emphasizing Acumatica’s advantages:

Implementation and Risk: Acumatica offers a thorough discovery phase to meet customer needs, contrasting NetSuite’s “SuiteSuccess” methodology, which often results in rushed and inadequate implementations.

Predictable Cost Structure: Acumatica provides a predictable cost model, protecting customers from unexpected price increases, unlike NetSuite, where users often face surprising cost hikes and additional fees.

Usability: Acumatica is recognized for its user-friendly interface and flexible customization options, while NetSuite’s usability is hindered by its complex navigation and customization requiring technical expertise.

Partner Ecosystem: Acumatica enjoys a strong partnership ecosystem without channel conflict, ensuring better customer support, whereas NetSuite’s partnership model can lead to service and support challenges.

Ease of Doing Business: Acumatica is committed to customer-friendly practices, with a strong focus on R&D and user engagement, contrasting with NetSuite’s often criticized customer relationship and support approach.

Evaluating Acumatica and Oracle NetSuite Guide

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