NetSuite to Acumatica Customer Success Story:
Saddleback Leather Co.

Saddleback Leather, initially struggling with Oracle NetSuite’s limitations and high operational demands, transitioned to Acumatica, leading to transformative outcomes for the company. Under NetSuite, Saddleback required 14 developers to manage the system and faced challenges in integrating with their online store, resulting in a significant drain on resources and operational efficiency. The system’s rigidity and high costs, amounting to approximately $230,000 annually plus an estimated $4 million over seven years, were unsustainable.

The decision to switch to Acumatica was driven by the need for a more adaptable, cost-effective, and user-friendly ERP solution. Acumatica’s open platform and consumption-based pricing model offered Saddleback the flexibility and scalability it needed. The transition not only reduced the IT development team from 14 to 2, saving around $750,000 annually, but also enhanced the company’s online functionality, leading to a 45% increase in organic traffic and improved sales performance.

Acumatica’s user-friendly interface and seamless integration with third-party software like Big Commerce, ShipStation, and ChannelAdvisor revitalized Saddleback’s online presence and marketing capabilities. This allowed for quicker and more effective creation of product landing pages, implementation of SEO, and launch of email marketing campaigns—activities that were cumbersome and costly under NetSuite.

The ERP switch to Acumatica has not only brought down the technology costs by 33% and increased functionality tenfold for Saddleback Leather but also significantly improved the company’s operational efficiency and financial accuracy. Executives now have real-time access to consistent financial data, facilitating faster and more informed decision-making. The positive impacts extend beyond the balance sheet, with improvements in company culture and employee morale, as the workforce is more engaged and productive with the intuitive and integrated systems provided by Acumatica.

Acumatica Customer Success Story Saddleback Leather

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