Sage Intelligence Demos for Sage 100 offer a comprehensive showcase of the powerful capabilities integrated within Sage 100. These demonstrations illustrate how the native Sage Intelligence module seamlessly extracts data from Sage 100 and presents it in an easily understandable and manipulable Microsoft Excel® format. By providing a suite of pre-built reports and dashboards, Sage Intelligence saves you time, allowing you to view and analyze information swiftly. For more insights and a detailed understanding, watch the Sage Intelligence for Sage 100 Demo video.
Report Manager allows you to author new reports (organizing, creating, and editing), and filter and aggregate data. This tool also allows you to set permissions and security for reports.
Report Viewer allows you to run out the relevant reports. It comes with the basic filtering capabilities and drill-down functionality on existing reports.
This Excel add-in allows you to easily create and edit financial statements using a graphical “dragand-drop” interface, giving you full control of your financial reports.
Connector module allows you to access and consolidate information from multiple sources. Connect to more than one database at a time and do multi-company or multi-currency consolidations.
With these tools, gain control over your business data through financial reports that are fully customizable to meet your specific needs. Sage Intelligence places the power of data analysis in your hands, offering a bird’s eye view of your business. It allows for detailed insights with the capability to drill down into finer details for informed decision-making. Embrace the flexibility of analyzing your data in Excel, a platform beloved for its user-friendly graphs, charts, and slicers that simplify understanding your business’s dynamics.
Spend more time focusing on analysis and interpretation of your information and less time pulling the data together.
Design reports that suit your unique requirements.
Use your existing Microsoft® Excel® knowledge to easily write and edit reports, giving you instant visibility across your business.
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