DataSelf Analytics for Mid-Sized Businesses

DataSelf Ultralight Data Warehouse and the DataSelf ETL are both the best on the market for mid-sized organizations. But if we can’t beat the leaders, we join them! Today DataSelf solutions include its own best of breed components complemented by Gartner-recognized platforms such as Microsoft SQL Server and the renowned Tableau visualization engine.

DataSelf Benefits

Easy To Use

Managers often handle 70% or more of their reporting needs without the assistance of IT.

Fast Access

Regardless of the size of users datasets, it generates reports and dashboards in seconds.

Rapid ROI

With 5,000 must-have reports, dashboards, and KPIs, it's a virtual "consultant in a box."

Integration Partners

DataSelf Analytics provides a wide range of high-end business intelligence benefits for Sage 100.

Sage Logo

DataSelf Analytics goes beyond Crystal, MS Access, and Excel-based reporting by allowing users to simply and comprehensively examine data.

DataSelf Analytics for Sage Intacct leverages data warehousing, Tableau and/or Power BI.

DataSelf Analytics for Sage Intacct leverages data warehousing, optimized Sage Intacct ETL processes, AWS, Tableau, and a rich set of templates to deliver natural language query, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and interactive reports and dashboards!

Among ERP systems, Acumatica provides one of the most empowering reporting platforms. It works great for many organizations.

APS Payments Acumatica

Organizations searching for enterprise data warehousing and analytics, on the other hand, will discover that DataSelf Analytics takes Acumatica reporting to the next level.

Analytics By Industry


DataSelf BI solution comes with 5,000-plus must-have reports and KPIs predefined


Too many companies have lopsided inventory: too much of some items and too little of others. Or they make too many inventory transfers and spend too much dealing with them. Analyzing historical trends in detail can be a critical step toward big savings.

With inventory projection, you learn from your history and use the lessons to fine tune inventory for the future. Inventory projection can provide numbers based on several parameters, such as product, location, and any time granularity down to the day level.

Inventory replenishment builds on inventory projection. It will not only forecast your inventory needs but also indicate from whom you should buy and when. Inventory replenishment can provide numbers based on several parameters, such as product, location, and any time granularity down to the day level.


Tough times? Focus on smarter sales! See at a glance who’s buying what, where you’re making the most profit, which products or customers are declining or growing the most, which customers are no longer buying, and lots of other insights. The solution is so easy to use that sales people can slice and dice sales data on the fly. Our 500-plus report and KPI templates for sales analysis make it a cinch to form a tight fit, no matter how unusual your operations. It’s a managers’ dream.

To buy smart, you have to know your purchasing trends. But too often, sales-driven companies don’t track them. This module makes it easy.


Do you need to integrate data from several data sources for analysis? DataSelf BI can do it for you. You may have a multi-company environment or other business applications. DataSelf BI will provide you with a user-friendly and single place for all your reporting needs.

Feeling lonely? No wonder. Mid-size applications usually provide only limited support for multi-currency frameworks. DataSelf BI can significantly improve the reporting of your multi-currency environment.

This is all a great start! However, all modules can be adapted to your specific needs. On average, 70% to 100% of non-technical users can adapt report templates and KPIs without technical help—faster than it takes to eat a donut.


DataSelf BI solution comes with 5,000-plus must-have reports and KPIs predefined


Easily analyze BOMs and work orders to find the most productive way to fulfill orders.

Too many companies have lopsided inventory: too much of some items and too little of others. Or they make too many inventory transfers and spend too much dealing with them. Analyzing historical trends in detail can be a critical step toward big savings.

With inventory projection, you learn from your history and use the lessons to fine tune inventory for the future. Inventory projection can provide numbers based on several parameters, such as product, location, and any time granularity down to the day level.


To buy smart, you have to know your purchasing trends. But too often, sales-driven companies don’t track them. This module makes it easy.

Tough times? Focus on smarter sales! See at a glance who’s buying what, where you’re making the most profit, which products or customers are declining or growing the most, which customers are no longer buying, and lots of other insights. The solution is so easy to use that sales people can slice and dice sales data on the fly. Our 500-plus report and KPI templates for sales analysis make it a cinch to form a tight fit, no matter how unusual your operations. It’s a managers’ dream.


This is all a great start! However, all modules can be adapted to your specific needs. On average, 70% to 100% of non-technical users can adapt report templates and KPIs without technical help—faster than it takes to eat a donut.

Feeling lonely? No wonder. Mid-size applications usually provide only limited support for multi-currency frameworks. DataSelf BI can significantly improve the reporting of your multi-currency environment.

Do you need to integrate data from several data sources for analysis? DataSelf BI can do it for you. You may have a multi-company environment or other business applications. DataSelf BI will provide you with a user-friendly and single place for all your reporting needs.


DataSelf Construction BI solution is ready to go with natural language, artificial intelligence and 1,000,000+ ways to slice-and-dice your data.

Dataself + Sage 100

Using industry-standard components comprised of Tableau and Microsoft SQL Server, users can then take advantage of features such as:

MS SharePoint Integration

Self-Service Sage BI



Online Analytical Processing Cubes

In-memory Analytics





Power BI

Financial Analysis



Data Mining

MS Excel Pivot Table

Dataself + Sage Intacct

One of the most empowering features in DataSelf Analytics for Sage Intacct are highly configurable dashboard views and capabilities that give you a nearly endless number of ways to slice and dice data.

DataSelf + Acumatica

DataSelf shows a 360-degree view of their business

Immediately the CEO can view:
      • Cash flow projection
      • Orders to ship
      • Revenue
      • Several other key metrics
DataSelf dashboards reveal a wide overview of all the important areas of business.​

Highlighted Insights and Possible Issues

At a glance, the dashboard will show you where the issues are and red flags draw attention to areas that need attention. For example, this red bar below quickly communicates that inventory levels are too high.​

Primary Benefits

Mature BI system with over 5,000 report and dashboard templates

While each company is different, there are a number of reporting requirements that are universal to all. You’ll most likely find excellent answers within our 400+ client sales reports and dashboards, or responses will just require minor template changes. Acumatica and other ERP and CRM systems are effortlessly connected with DataSelf templates.

flexible framework to consolidate all of your data silos

Data warehousing automates laborious procedures, optimizes data for speed, and brings all of your data together for a single version of the truth. For over a decade, DataSelf has been developing and using the most cutting-edge data warehousing technologies so that user’s teams can focus on data analysis rather than data preparation.

Deploys in a few of hours

User’s Acumatica URL and user credentials are all that Dataself requires. They’ll  install DataSelf GIs on your site and update the data. In just a few hours, you’ll be able to view your DataSelf reports and dashboards.

Demo Videos
Customer Testimonials
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