Excel-Based Reporting
Report accurately. Meet every business demand and accelerate business outcomes. Simple, flexible and efficient reporting all within the comfort of the Excel you love.

Self-service reporting, augmented for your ERP
Velixo Reports is an Excel-based reporting tool designed by experts for Acumatica and Sage Intacct. Velixo Reports gives Excel a new toolbar with over 60 capabilities tailored to General Ledger, Project Data, and Generic Inquiries.
Velixo Reports aims to bridge the gap between the powerful data stored in ERPs like Acumatica and Sage Intacct and the flexible reporting capabilities of Excel. By doing so, it provides businesses with a more efficient, accurate, and customizable way to analyze their data.

Meet Smart Refresh
This proprietary API-based query engine, supported by smart in-memory caching features offer you an unmatched reporting experience within your spreadsheets. It is lightning fast, interactive and your data refreshes in real-time.
As an Excel user, you only really have to focus on adding value, the rest is all transparently done.
Powerful GL Functions
Finance pros love us also for our simple and efficient Excel-based functions, specially designed to enhance the experience of creating calculations and reporting on General Ledger and Budget data.
The native Excel nature of our functions provides a unique and simpler way to interrogate your ERP data. Velixo’s functions are the most flexible and powerful functions for financial reporting. They support custom account ranges, account classes, different ledger and financial dimensions. We guarantee you they will save you an enormous amount of time, and even creating the most complex reports will feel like a breeze!

Slice and dice with ease
Use our many array functions to return lists of accounts, companies, projects or dimensions. Create parameters, list-based or formula-based filters that dynamically refresh your lists for a fully interactive experience, on live data.
Have It Your Way
Customize our templates or design your own reports, the way your business needs them.
You may use as many functions as needed in a spreadsheet, on one tab or multiple tabs, in one cell or many tables, however you want.
Thanks to Excel’s unrivaled formatting features, even the most complex reports can be created. Create pixel-perfect statements, with titles, grouped rows, supporting notes, blank lines, custom fonts, floating graphs, linked sheets or even custom buttons to name a few options…
With Velixo, you can rest assured there are no layout or formatting limitations, and never any scenario where your formatting is lost when data updates.

Any data using Generic Inquiry
Our comprehensive General Inquiry function will let you extract any transactional data from almost any entity or screen of your ERP in real-time, allowing you to create reports on any data instantly using standard Excel features.
Comprehensive Project functions
You don’t have to think about which tables or queries to use. Our pre-packaged Project functions are simple Excel-based functions that retrieve all your Project balances, budgets, committed amounts and quantities, as well as other information related to projects and tasks directly from your ERP.

Consolidate your sources
Multiple companies, chart of accounts, currencies, fiscal calendars, different tenants, data sources? Those are very common scenarios that Velixo is optimized for. We can consolidate it all in the same spreadsheet, including handling eliminations.