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Alerts and Workflow

Sage Alerts & Workflow continuously tracks enterprise apps and automatically generates alerts, reports, and workflows depending on user’s unique business requirements, so they can concentrate on keeping their company on track for success.

Sage HRMS Alerts and Workflows

Automatically monitor HR data with Sage Alerts & Workflow.

Employees are the single-most valuable commodity within an organization. And – like any commodity, organizations look for ways to invest in it so that they get more value out of it. One way to invest in employees is to become more responsive to their needs. Respond faster to potential employee problems before they become real problems but also proactively support potential opportunities for their growth. Keep employees more engaged, and increase employee retention.

Key benefits of Sage HRMS Alerts and Workflow

Automate HR tasks

Automate repetitive and redundant tasks that are currently done manually, saving time for HR departments.

Monitor employee-related conditions & changes

Automatically identify and respond to employee-related potential problems, exceptions and anomalies. Set up alerts for changes and corrections within a system.

Manage errors & save time

Detect and adapt to errors and exceptions automatically and get real-time alerts delivered over email, fax, text, IM, screen pops, dashboards, and more.

Generate automatic Forms & Documents

Deliver forms and documents in standard formats such as HTML, PDF, Word, Excel, etc.

Generate Analytics

Deliver scheduled or trigger-based Crystal Reports for an unlimited number of recipients.

Wizard Builder

Help administrators create event steps including triggers and messaging with Wizard-builder.

Important Features of Sage HRMS Alerts and Wrokflow

  • Ever see a new employee just sitting around, waiting for “the next person” to come and get them? With Sage HRMS Alerts & Workflow users can eliminate those un productive hours by ensuring a smooth transition through the on boarding process.
  • How do you acknowledge “jobs-well-done” or other employee achievements? Sage HRMS Alerts & Workflow allows users to monitor, recognize, and communicate these accomplishments and let staff know that their hard work is appreciated.

  • How much time do HR employees spend looking through an entire report when they’re really only interested in the “exceptions”? Save time & money by delivering only the “needles” – and not the whole haystack.

  • Ever had a prospective hire slip away because no one followed-up with them? With Sage HRMS Alerts & Workflow users can detect and address incomplete tasks.

  • Ever had a sales reps numbers go down at the same time their absenteeism went up? Sage HRMS Alerts & Workflow allows users to monitor employee conditions between departments and ensure best staffing decisions based on corporate knowledge.

  • Sage HRMS Alerts & Workflow auto processes all those emails sent to HR departments, ensuring that every HR communication is processed and responded.

  • Automate healthcare enrollment forms, 401k forms, the employee manual and the like and free up valuable human resources with Sage HRMS Alerts & Workflow.

  • Have staff whose job includes running & delivering reports on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis? Automate this process and get critical HR information to employees faster than before.
  • Remote employees reliant on the IT department to get needed information? With Sage HRMS Alerts & Workflow users can empower remote employees to request and receive any info they need without sapping resources from IT staff.
  • Continual training is an investment in employees that organizations can’t afford to ignore. Sage HRMS Alerts & Workflow can help to recognize opportunities for employee growth – showing employees care about their future.
  • Mistakes in HR can be very expensive; they always cost staff time and they too often in lost money. Automate the process of identifying and correcting these errors and save both time and money with Sage HRMS Alerts & Workflows. 

Sage HRMS Resources

Sage HRMS Product Brochure

Why migrate to the premium version of Sage HRMS?

Sage HRMS Alerts and Workflows Brochure

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